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文章出處:新聞資(zī)訊 人氣:21發表時間:2023-09-05


Every sculpture has its own unique design philosophy and artistry. It is precisely because of this that it can perfectly integrate and connect various scenes on campus. So for campus sculpture, what are the design concepts it follows? In fact, when designing campus sculptures, one should consider the thematic characteristics of the sculpture itself. Let's take a look together!


1. By understanding the school's educational characteristics and philosophy in advance, and based on the different educational characteristics and concepts of each school, a clear design concept can be developed.


2. Design based on the theme of each specific location on the campus, fully considering the matching of sculptures with the surrounding environment and other factors.


3. The design of campus sculptures should be carried out within the framework of the overall campus environmental planning, in order to avoid the phenomenon of the sculpture theme not matching with the surrounding environment.


4. The design of campus sculptures requires the perfect unity of different forms of aesthetics, connotations, culture, colors, and the harmony of stainless steel materials.


5. When designing campus sculptures, consideration should also be given to their interaction, participation, and safety with school teachers and students.


The design concept of campus sculpture should combine the above thematic characteristics, taking into account all aspects. In a sense, campus sculptures themselves contain a great deal of culture and charm, and are also a way of cultural dissemination within the campus.


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